*Evaluating Statistical Information

Is One Study as Good as Three? College Graduates Seem to Think So, Even if They Took Statistics Classes

Abstract When people interpret the outcome of a research study, do they consider other relevant information such as prior research? In the current study, 251 college graduates read a single brief fictitious news article. The article summarized the findings of a study that found positive results for a new drug. Three versions of the article

Is One Study as Good as Three? College Graduates Seem to Think So, Even if They Took Statistics Classes Read More »

Video: Statistical Significance What Are p Values? How Do We Interpret Them? How Do We Calculate Them?

A video (11:21) (which includes an “awesome song” in the beginning) that explains p values and their interpretation from StatQuest with Josh Starmer. Bam. Students should watch this before the video (below) on calculating p values. If you’re interested in how to calculate p values, this video (25:14) gives a thorough explanation. You can find

Video: Statistical Significance What Are p Values? How Do We Interpret Them? How Do We Calculate Them? Read More »

Tutorial: Choosing the Correct Test (WISE)

Online tutorial gives students descriptions of research and asks them to select the correct statistic to analyze the data. There are 11 examples in total. Students respond via multiple choice questions and the tutorial provides guidance/feedback throughout. You can access the tutorial here.

Tutorial: Choosing the Correct Test (WISE) Read More »

Activity: Evaluating Statistical Information: Product Selection

This activity gives students practice evaluating statistical information by placing them in the role of a therapist who needs to purchase software for her practice. It also helps show students the value of understanding concepts from research/statistics in contexts other than doing research. This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes. Students could work individually or

Activity: Evaluating Statistical Information: Product Selection Read More »