Student Guide to SPSS and APA Style Writing (v.12.0)

This guide (created by Gary Lewandowski; Twitter: @LewandowskiPhD) is a free resource that can substitute for the APA Manual and SPSS guides. The Student Guide leads students through data analysis in SPSS with step-by-step instructions and screenshots for setting up the analyses and interpreting the output. For each analysis, students also see an example SPSS Syntax, APA Style Results section, and Tables/Figures.

For APA Style writing, the 110-page Student Guide features general writing tips, suggestions for the overall writing process (lit searching, note-taking, outlines, etc.), and nuts/bolts information about writing each APA style section. Again, there are tips, and annotated examples from student papers.

You can get the full guide here.

Screenshots – Table of Contents